
which requires pulling teeth

Doctors advise caution: Do not unplug any one tooth, be sure to go through the doctor's diagnosis and their carefully chosen. Once pulled and pulled out the wrong, can no longer grow.

      Some people think that "pain is not a disease." Toothache suppressing or just eat anti-inflammatory painkillers, do not hurt no problem. Resulting in the further development of dental problems, or fall off, become root and so on.

      While some people think: it Acrylic resin teeth should be removed as long as the pain, the loss of a tooth to see irrelevant.

       These two views are wrong. Bingya should remove some, while others go through medical treatment can save, they can even continue to use for a long time.

     So, should be removed teeth, what does? With severe periodontal disease, Teeth has been very loose, after treatment can not be allowed again strong teeth; caries a large area, the bone around the teeth have been destroyed and can not be supplemented teeth; repeated inflammation, pus and root; swelling and inflammation caused by repeated impacted teeth; affect normal tooth eruption more teeth, buried teeth; and cause lesions in teeth. If dentigerous cysts, tumors and other gums. For orthodontic treatment for correcting irregular dentition, at the suggestion of an orthodontist individual teeth require removal. There is a systemic disease, lesions suspected teeth should also be unplugged.

